Our Story
“Yoga pants are great, but you can’t wear them out to dinner. And shapewear is downright oppressive!”
Founder, Kenzie Kai

Our founder, Stacy Knight, set out to solve a simple problem: why aren’t there more clothes that look good, feel comfortable, and are easy to wear?
Unfortunately, many have come to believe that looking good means suffering from uncomfortable seams and the unhealthy constriction of shape wear while being comfortable means yoga pants or wearing something baggy and unattractive.
There had to be something that solved this wardrobe challenge. Stacy embarked on a journey to find a solution. She searched but could not find clothes that delivered the triple threat of looking good, feeling comfortable, and being easy to wear.
The Workshop
Our Idea Factory
Located in Atlanta, Stacy has built a full workshop with pattern-making, cutting, and sewing capabilities to perfect our Kenzie Kai styles. While we have trusted production partner making our mainline styles, our workshop is where the magic happens. Working with our expert seamstress and Patternmaker, Kelly, each week to perfect our styles and fit. We also have limited edition production pieces made here as well as custom orders!

Temporary nerve damage is just part of the problem for women who stuff themselves into shapewear, putting pressure on the abdomen squeezes internal organs,.
- Dr. Jay Kuemmerle, a Virginia-based gastroenterologist, the Los Angeles Times
Wear your tummy-tamers for too long, and you could develop a condition that's known as meralgia paresthetica, pressure on the nerves that run in front of your hips.
- Dr. Cardone, physician and orthopaedic surgeon at the New York University Langone's Hospital for Joint Diseases, Cosmopolitan
You may feel tightness in your chest & some abdominal discomfort. Shapewear does compress your organs which can lead to bloating, gas, acid reflux, and heartburn.
-ND Labs

We Made Our Own Solution
Stacy took matters into her own hands and started cutting & sewing together pieces of her favorite garments. A few years later and after countless iterations, Stacy has come up with a solution: Kenzie Kai!
Kenzie Kai offers their favorite dresses and tops for women with integrated liners, which provide the comfort and support in one smooth-wearing garment. You never have to worry about a strap showing or underlying bumps and constrictions coming through to make you feel uncomfortable.
Then they searched the globe for the right partners - experts in their fields who work with integrity - to build a great team to bring Kenzie Kai to you with the best quality and value. We believe great products are also about great people working in a positive way to solve problems responsibly. This is Kenzie Kai! Be You!